The Kharkiv Regional Organization of the Trade Union of Entrepreneurs, a UNP WG5 member, has launched the initiative “Post-war Recovery of the Labor Market in Ukraine: Trends and Threats” supported by the project “Support to the Activities of the Ukrainian National Platform of the EaP CSF in 2024” implemented by the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting with the financial support of the European Union.
Name of the initiative: Post-war Recovery of the Labor Market in Ukraine: Trends and Threats
Organization: Kharkiv Regional Organization of the Trade Union of Entrepreneurs
The initiative is implemented jointly with the Federation of Trade Unions of Small and Medium Enterprises of Ukraine.
The goal of the initiative is to analyze the current state and develop recommendations for the post-war recovery of the labor market in Ukraine.
The war has brought significant changes to the functioning of the Ukrainian labor market. Behavioral practices of employers and job seekers have changed, and market needs have been reformatted. Massive internal and external migration of the working-age population, a decline in economic activity of enterprises, a reduction in employment at enterprises, an increase in the number of people with disabilities, and a significant increase in the number of internally displaced persons in need of employment have aggravated the situation on the labor market.
Valerii Repin, Kharkiv Regional Organization of the Trade Union of Entrepreneurs:
Due to the difficult situation in the employment sector in Ukraine and the significant outflow of the able-bodied population from the labor market, in particular to the Armed Forces of Ukraine and volunteer organizations, there is a growing need for the most rational use of labor and ensuring a favorable level of adaptability of the able-bodied population to changes in the labor market, which requires balanced government decisions.
In order to preserve the labor market in wartime and increase employment during the country’s economic recovery, it is important to ensure labor mobility. This will help strengthen its adaptability, competitiveness, and efficiency. In the postwar period, labor mobility will be determined by the prospects for structural transformation of the national economy and changes in regional specialization in the process of postwar economic recovery. The task of the authorities is to think about the future and develop mechanisms and tools for the post-war recovery of the labor market in Ukraine.
As part of the initiative, it is planned to prepare an analytical report “Postwar Labor Market Recovery in Ukraine: Trends and Threats”, including data collection, analysis and consultations with stakeholders; preparation of a publication; and informing stakeholders and the general public about the results of the study.
Source https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02LPHuyJJcNojcmFSL8DrCLKQgRwhpTtHrDBbMDpPF1ijCPVfU2qBS2T2t5QkZoDMhl&id=100054326976971
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The initiative is being implemented within the framework of the project “Support to the Activities of the Ukrainian National Platform of the EaP CSF in 2024” implemented by the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting with the financial support of the European Union. The contents of this study are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union or the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting.