UNP WG3 members, International Charitable Organization “Green Dossier Information Center,” National Ecological Center of Ukraine, International Charitable Organization “Environment-People-Law,” RAC “Society and Environment” and independent expert Anna Holubovska-Onisimova launched the initiative “Towards the EU in the environmental field: assessing the Ukraine’s progress of implementation of the recommendations of the European Commission Report on enlargement ” within the framework of the project “Support to the activities of the Ukrainian National Platform of the EaP CSF in 2024” implemented by the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting with the financial support of the European Union.

The name of the initiative: Towards the EU in the environmental field: assessing the Ukraine’s progress of implementation of the recommendations of the European Commission Report on enlargement 

Organization:  International Charitable Organization “Green Dossier Information Center,” National Ecological Center of Ukraine, International Charitable Organization “Environment-People-Law” (UNP WG3), RAC “Society and Environment” (UNP WG3) and independent expert Anna Holubovska-Onisimova.

Objective: To facilitate the best possible implementation of the European Commission’s recommendations in the Report on Ukraine on the environmental and climate component in order to speed up the start of the negotiation process on Title 27 “Environment and Climate.”

As part of the initiative:

  • The EC requirements and the state of implementation have been analyzed.
  • Analytical document on the implementation of the European Commission’s recommendations in the field of environmental and climate policy has been prepared.
  • Experts will help identify gaps and needs in time to help the relevant committee of the Verkhovna Rada and the Ministry of Environment to implement the relevant policy in sectoral strategies and programs.
  • The analytical document was presented at the already established dialogue platform at the Verkhovna Rada Environmental Committee and a discussion on the analytical work has been organized.

Tamara Malkova, Information Center “Green Dossier”:

Why is it important?

On November 8, 2023, the European Commission adopted the Enlargement Package for 2023, in which it assessed the current status and progress made by the Western Balkans, Turkey, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. A separate report on Ukraine examines the status and progress made by the country on its way to EU membership, focusing on the implementation of fundamental and sectoral reforms. Among other things, the report contains recommendations in the field of environment and climate change that Ukraine should implement.

An independent analysis of Ukraine’s progress in implementing the recommendations in the field of environment and climate change is an important component of ensuring transparency, accountability and efficiency of Ukraine’s EU approximation process in the relevant areas.

Results of the initiative:

  • The analytical document will be publicly presented and made available on the website of the platform and participating organizations.
  • Discussions will be held on social media, during a public event, and on a platform created by the Verkhovna Rada’s Environmental Committee. Representatives of the EU institutions will also be invited to participate in the discussion.
  • Thanks to cooperation with the Committee, the conclusions of the analytical document will be communicated to the relevant ministry and sectoral ministries.
  • As a result of the advocacy campaign, it is expected that all stakeholders will receive information on the challenges and necessary further steps for Ukraine’s implementation of the European Commission’s recommendations, and the EU institutions will receive an independent view of the progress made in the field of environment and climate change.
  • The document will be proposed for discussion to the organizations that are members of the Forum’s WG3 and presented at the next CSF Summit.

We invite you to cooperation!

Source https://www.dossier.org.ua/projects/euintegration-initiative/

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The initiative is being implemented within the framework of the project “Support to the Activities of the Ukrainian National Platform of the EaP CSF in 2024” implemented by the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting with the financial support of the European Union. The contents of this study are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union or the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting.