Working groups on environment and energy issues of two pro-European Platforms plan to cooperate with the Environmental Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
Analytical and advocacy work on the identification of systemic problems of Ukraine’s environmental policy, which has been carried out for several years by representatives of WG3 of the UNP “Environment, Climate Change and Energy Security” and WG5 of the CSP, will have a logical continuation, in particular through cooperation with the Environmental Policy Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
The creation of a dialogue platform between the two groups and the Committee was one of the main issues on the agenda of the meeting of the working groups, which took place on March 25, 2024 in an online format.

The members of the working groups got acquainted with the information about the project “Parliament and systemic ecological reforms: the path to the EU”, supported by the United States Agency for International Development USAID within the framework of the “Council: the next generation” program, which is implemented by the NGO “Internews-Ukraine” (member of WG1 UNP) , within the framework of which civil society and deputies will interact on topical issues of environmental policy. The overall coordination of the project is carried out by the National Ecological Center of Ukraine (member of WG3 UNP), which is an active member of both platforms.
The systemic environmental problems that members of the working groups focus on are problems related to the effectiveness of the functioning of its macro systems: environmental financing, ensuring the cross-cutting nature of environmental and climate requirements, environmental protection institutions, supervision and control, involving the public in the decision-making process, providing reliable data for making informed decisions.

Based on the results of the meeting, the rules and procedures of the dialogue platform will be finalized, and the members of the working groups will have the opportunity to join the relevant discussions with the members of the Ecocommittee.
The members of the working groups also discussed the possibility of joining the project implemented by WG5 of the PSS, as well as the preparation of an application regarding access to environmental information, which is administered by the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center.
Information provided by Natalia Andrusevych, UNP WG3 Coordinator
We thank Natalia Andrusevych for organizing and conducting the meeting.
The event is implemented within the framework of the project “Support to the activities of the UNP EaP CSF in 2024”, funded by the European Union and implemented by the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting.