Self-assessment of the level of compliance of Ukrainian National Platform (UNP) of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF) with the CODES OF ETHICAL CONDUCT (CoEC) of the EaP CSF and UNP in 2023 was conducted

The self-assessment (conducted in the period: 28/11/2023 – 06/12/2023) is intended to direct the UNP and its structural divisions to objective assessment of the level of implementation of EaP CSF values and standards, defined in EaP CSF and UNP Codes of Ethical Conduct.

The main objectives of the self-assessment are:

  • Stimulate the self-reflection on the implementation of the values of the Codes of Ethical Conduct of the EaP CSF and UNP;
  • Identify priority areas for better implementation of the Codes of Ethical Conduct of the EaP CSF and UNP;
  • Monitor progress in the process of implementing the Codes of Ethical Conduct of the EaP CSF and UNP;
  • Demonstrate a higher level of professionalism both internally, within the members of the UNP and externally, in relation with third parties;
  • Identify areas in the implementation of the Codes of Ethical Conduct where more attention is needed in the framework of one year (until the next self-assessment) and in the long term (within a period of three years);
  • Identify and share best practices.

According to the results of the self-assessment, the general level of compliance with UNP and CSF Codes of Ethical Conduct can be assessed as HIGH as a whole.

It was recorded that the majority of UNP respondents consulted the Code of Ethical Conduct in order to familiarize themselves with its content.

None of UNP members reported (confirmed) cases of unethical behaviour within the UNP during 2023.

The majority of respondents believe that discussing ethical matters at the UNP level is important and necessary. They also highly appreciate the importance of conducting annual CoEC self-assessment exercise.

Significant number of answers to some questions of the self-assessment questionnaire was about the insufficiency of the available information, which indicates the need to introduce additional external tools to evaluate and increase the level of understanding of UNP Code of Ethical Conduct, as well as create additional conditions for knowledge exchange and mutual learning within the UNP.

UNP currently forms proper comprehensive periodic reports on its activities in accordance with all EaP CSF policies and procedures and UNP internal policies, but there is a need to strengthen the popularization of the platform’s activities.

There is also a need for future verification of UNP members for belonging to any political institutions. The relevant report must be presented to all members of the UNP.

Information provided by Maksym Koryavets, Ethical Code Advisor

We thank all those members of the UNP who took part in the survey.


The activity is implemented within the project “Supporting the activities of the UNP EaP CSF 2021-2023” funded by the European Union, the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum and implemented by the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting.