The UNP EaP CSF Advocacy Strategy 2024-2026 is adopted to facilitate the implementation of the 2024-2026 UNP EaP CSF Strategic Development Plan and serves a tool for planning advocacy activities within the platform.

The Advocacy Strategy is designed to influence key stakeholders and their decision-making on issues falling within the platform’s competence and for which strategic priorities have been identified, as well as respective stakeholders’ policies and behaviour. Achieving this will require flexibility, continuous coordination efforts, open communication and rapid response to the situation.

The Advocacy Strategy has been developed taking into account the political context of the Eastern Partnership reform and the priorities of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum.

Based on the Advocacy Strategy, the annual operational plans of the platform (working groups) include a component on advocacy activities of the platform, working groups and/or member organisations.

The authors: Nataliya Andrusevych and Ukrainian National Platform EaP CSF
Compiler: Nataliya Andrusevych, 2023

The UNP EaP CSF Advocacy Strategy 2024-2026

This document was produced within the project “Support activities of UNP EaP CSF in 2021-2023” implemented by the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting with the financial support of the European Union.
Its contents the sole responsibility of the Ukrainian National Platform Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union or the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting.