On 27 October 2023, the Ukrainian National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum held an online webinar “How to Implement the M&E System in the Organisation and Its Peculiarities during Martial Law”.

The webinar was hosted by NGO “Ukrainian Evaluation Association” (UNP WG2 members).


  • To raise awareness of the monitoring and evaluation system.
  • To introduce (increase understanding of) basic terms of monitoring and evaluation.
  • To inform participants about the specifics of the functioning of monitoring and evaluation systems during martial law.

It was prepared and conducted by two trainers: Dmytro Kondratenko, M&E Expert and Board Member of the Ukrainian Evaluation Association, and Yulia Zynoviiva, Expert on Feedback Mechanisms, Complaints and Appeals, and Accountability to the Affected Population. During the webinar, all the intentions of the registered participants, collected and kindly provided to UNP trainers, were used as much as possible to increase its effectiveness.

The following issues were covered during the webinar: the place of monitoring and evaluation in the programme cycle, project logic, indicators, creation of a monitoring plan and system, qualitative and quantitative research methods, organisation of the process of collecting quantitative and qualitative data, databases and work with them, monitoring and feedback, system of processing complaints and appeals, accountability to the affected population. At the request of the participants, attention was paid to the functions of a monitoring specialist. The webinar also included exercises for participants to create elements of a monitoring plan using the menti.com platform.

During the webinar, participants also had the opportunity to ask questions and receive answers. The greatest interest was, of course, in the issues of indicators, quantitative and qualitative research methods, and working with databases. And these are the issues that will most likely be of interest to potential participants in webinars on monitoring and evaluation.

Information provided by Yulia Zynoviiva, NGO “Ukrainian Evaluation Association” (UNP WG2 members)




The event is implemented within the framework of the project “Support to the activities of the UNP EaP CSF in 2021-2023”, funded by the European Union and implemented by the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting.