On 25 October, the Ukrainian National Platform of EaP CSF, in partnership with the Yavoriv Local Economic Development Agency, Bukovyna Regional Development Agency, National Association of Agricultural Advisory Services of Ukraine, Green Dossier Information Centre and Agrarian Union of Ukraine, held a discussion “What does the EU Integration Bring to Ukrainian Farmers – Opportunities or Risks?“
The organisations are UNP WG2 and WG3 members.
Analysts and researchers on European integration, EGD, CAP, representatives of farmers and agrarian communities were invited to participate.

The EU’s Common Agricultural Policy is focused on rural development, support for young farmers, food safety, innovation and efficiency in the agricultural sector. But is all this relevant to Ukrainian farmers in the context of integration with the European Union? How should Ukrainian farmers work under the rules of the Common Agricultural Policy and the European Green Deal, and what should they prepare for? Experts and practitioners sought answers to these questions during the discussion “What does the EU Integration Bring to Ukrainian Farmers – Opportunities or Risks?”.
Among the experts who made brief presentations were:

Kateryna Shor, Project Manager at the Green Dossier Information Centre, who spoke about the European Green Deal and the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy: What should Ukrainian Farmers Expect? “Accession to the EU is just the beginning of a lot of work, so we should not expect accession as a ribbon on the winner’s cake”, Kateryna emphasised.
Larysa Starikova, representative of the Agrarian Union of Ukraine, spoke about the integration of Ukrainian legislation with the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy.

Roman Korinets, Director of the National Association of Agricultural Advisory Services of Ukraine, a person who works directly with farmers, spoke about the needs and challenges facing farmers in Ukraine in his report: Is It Time for CAP for Farmers and How Can They Prepare Today?
After the speakers’ speeches, the participants actively commented and asked questions, which emphasises the importance and relevance of the topic. The speakers “kept” the audience engaged for two hours with meaningful and thorough reports.
The event is implemented within the framework of the project “Support to the activities of the UNP EaP CSF in 2021-2023”, funded by the European Union and implemented by the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting.