NGO “Centre for Social Security and Regional Initiatives” and UNP WG5 members are implementing the initiative “Formation of a citizen’s initiative to optimise the participation of local self-government bodies as subjects of social dialogue” within the project “Supporting the activities of the UNP EaP CSF 2021-2023”, which is implemented by the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting with the financial support of the European Union.

Name of the Initiative: Formation of Public Initiative to Optimise the Participation of Local Self-Government Bodies as Subjects of Social Dialogue

Organisation: NGO “Centre for Social Security and Regional Initiatives”, UNP WG5 members

Duration: June – September 2023

The aim of the Initiative is to develop recommendations for the elected bodies of amalgamated territorial communities (ATCs) for the formation of their subjectivity as a party to the social dialogue in Ukraine. This should be done on the basis of a pilot study of the problem, a description of its results and public events aimed at initiating appropriate changes.

As part of the Initiative, it is planned to:

  • Study the participation of local self-governmen bodies as subjects of social dialogue in Ukraine.
  • Develop a “stakeholder map” of elected representatives of ATCs.
  • A series of semi-formalized interviews with representatives of local self-government bodies on the following issues: participation in the formation of territorial agreements, awareness of the social dialogue model, identification of possible options for improving the regulatory documents on the status of a participant in the process. At least four heads of ATCs in the Kharkiv region were interviewed (selected based on the impact of military events on the community).
  • Analytical report “Opportunities of optimizing the participation of ATCs as subjects of social dialogue at the territorial level”. Electronic version in Ukrainian and English.
  • Public discussion of the results of the pilot study with representatives of the media community to identify opportunities for media influence.
  • Brief report on the online public presentation “Formation of a public initiative to optimise the participation of local self-government bodies as subjects of social dialogue”.
  • Conducting an advocacy campaign to encourage heads of territorial communitites in the Kharkiv region to form a public initiative “ATC as a subject of social dialogue”. The result should be the inclusion of the elected bodies of ATCs as obligatory participants in the social dialogue process.

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The Initiative is implemented within the project “Supporting the activities of the UNP EaP CSF 2021-2023” funded by the European Union, the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum and implemented by the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting.