The School of Equal Opportunities, UNP WG1 member, is implementing the initiative “Ambassadors of European Change” within the project “Supporting the activities of the UNP EaP CSF 2021-2023”, which is implemented by the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting with the financial support of the European Union.

Name of the Initiative: “Ambassadors of European Change”.

Organisation: The School of Equal Opportunities, UNP WG1 members

Duration: June – September 2023

Objective. To advocate for the expansion of civil society support within the Eastern Partnership for the gender equality component by engaging in active actions to implement the National Human Rights Strategy for the least protected strata of Ukrainian society during the war – women and girls with disabilities, who will be given the status of Ambassadors of Change within the Initiative implementation.

As part of the Initiative, a study will be conducted to expand civil society support for the gender equality component of the Eastern Partnership, our participation in strengthening measures aimed at implementing the Action Plan No. 756-p of 23 June 2021 for Implementing the National Human Rights Strategy. This will be analytical report focusing on two priorities: human rights, gender equality and non-discrimination, and response to the challenges of war, with an emphasis on protecting the rights and freedoms of Ukrainians, including women and girls with disabilities and internally displaced persons.

It is planned to hold four advocacy campaigns through forum performances and up to ten advocacy meetings and dialogues with government officials at various levels (Ministry of Social Policy, Ministry of Education and Science, Kyiv City State Administration (Department of Social Policy), Kyiv City Centre for Social, Vocational and Labour Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons, Kyiv City Centre for Social Services).

The Initiative will result in the development and testing of a model for girls and women with disabilities to gain mental and physical resilience, self-defence skills and ways to overcome various crisis situations, as well as a sense of independence and social dignity on the scale of Ukrainian and European solidarity. 30 Ambassadors of European Change, equipped with the relevant knowledge and skills, will develop and defend their action plans to participate in the activities of the EaP Civil Society Forum, receive the Ambassadors of Change Certificate and continue to work in their communities, providing moral and psychological support to those in need. Participants in the Initiative will create a forum performance to engage in dialogue with government officials to overcome the consequences of the war, discuss the prospects for Ukraine’s recovery and advocate for EU membership.

Team of paper doll people; Shutterstock ID 275964869; NP: DPC

The Ambassadors of Change will be involved in analyzing the implementation of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, in particular the reform monitoring component of the “Supporting the activities of the UNP EaP CSF 2021-2023″ project, including gender issues.

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The Initiative is implemented within the project “Supporting the activities of the UNP EaP CSF 2021-2023” funded by the European Union, the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum and implemented by the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting.