As part of the project “Supporting the activities of the Ukrainian National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum 2021-2023”, which is implemented by the Institute of Economic Research and Political Consultations with the financial support of the European Union, 10 initiatives from the UNP Working Groups were supported in 2022.
The Steering Committee of the UNP and the Supervisory Board of the project held a joint meetings on 17 February and 17 June 2022. The participants of the meeting discussed the initiatives submitted by the UNP Working Groups. Particular attention was paid to compliance with the priorities of the Working Groups for 2022, discussion of the initiative among the members of the Working Groups, and whether the initiatives were supported by the members of these Working Groups.
The UNP Secretariat has put forward several requirements for initiatives:
The topics of initiatives must meet the priorities of the UNP working groups (according to the Strategic Plan).
The Initiative must have an analytical, advocacy and information component.
The Initiatives must be supported by members of working groups.
The report was presented at a joint meeting of the Steering Committee of the UNP and the Supervisory Board of the project on 06 April 2023
Звіт про результати ініціатив УНП, 2022