The 4 months project on “Recovering Capacity of Ukrainian Women Network for Advocacy & Analytics Activities” (October 2022-January 2023) is funded by the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF) through its regranting scheme.
The Project will focus on recovering the capacity of Ukrainian women network which has 25 years of operations in analytical and advocacy on national and international levels; women’s empowerment and networking. LPW`s analytic & advocacy focus on four main areas: (a) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); (b) Adult Education & Learning;(c) Women’s Right Defenders (focus on women`s empowerment); (d) European integration.
Representatives of the NGO “League of Professional Women” (LPW is member of EaP CSF’s Working Group 4 on “Contacts between People”) are professionally working in science, education, business and public areas and currently press on Russia full scale war against Ukraine. The project aims to help them to recover capacity for analytic and advocacy activities at national & international levels; create new networks with one another as well as to connect with domestic and international counterparts, including other civil society organizations, businesses and academic institutions; as well recreation of the LPW’s communication mobile office. We aim to increase their possibility to influence the future of post-war reconstruction of Ukraine.
To stay informed about the project on “LPW`s Recovering Capacity”, you can follow the announcements and publications on our public online resources:
FB page https://www.facebook.com/LPWUA/
Website: https://communitylpw.wixsite.com/publish/blog , https://communitylpw.wixsite.com/publish/advocacy
If you would like to join LPW`s network as a Member, Adviser or Associate, you can read our instructions (in Ukrainian) at web page https://communitylpw.wixsite.com/publish/membership
Please do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail communitylpw@gmail.com if you have any questions or suggestions concerning this project.
This project brief was produced within the project “Recovering Capacity of Ukrainian Women Network for Advocacy & Analytics Activities” (October 2022-January 2023) implemented by the NGO “League of Professional Women” the with the financial support of the EaP CSF Re-granting Scheme, which is funded by the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the League of Professional Women and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union or the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum. Full Project brief here https://communitylpw.wixsite.com/publish/post/project-brief-on-lpw-s-recovering-capacity