Members of WG3 UNP started the initiative implementation “Environmental Reforms for Post-War Reconstruction and European Integration of Ukraine” within the project “Supporting the activities of the Ukrainian National Platform of the EaP CSF in 2021-2023” that is carried out by the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting (IER) with the financial support of the European Union.
Name of the initiative: Environmental Reforms for Post-War Reconstruction and European Integration of Ukraine
Organisations: National Ecological Center of Ukraine, Resource and Analysis Center “Society and Environment”, International Charitable Organization ” Information Center Green Dossier”, International Charitable Organization ” Environment-People-Law” (WG3) and independent expert Anna Golubovska-Onisimova
Duration of the project: 01.07-31.10.2022
The goal is to form a list of necessary reforms in the environmental sphere necessary for the post-war recovery of Ukraine and acceleration of European integration.

Since April 2022, after the liberation of part of the territory from the Russian occupiers, Ukraine began to prepare for recovery. The National Recovery Council was established by presidential decree, work began on the recovery plan, which was presented in Lugano, Switzerland. From the beginning of this process, the public keeps control over it to ensure its transparency and accountability, compliance with European values, in particular the principles of sustainable development and the European Green Deal. Thus, in May 2022, a number of public organizations, in particular members of Working Group 3 “Environment, Climate Change and Energy Security” of the Ukrainian National Platform of the Civil Society Forum of the Eastern Partnership, published the general principles of the green recovery of Ukraine as the basis of the future strategy of Ukraine’s post-war reconstruction. In June, environmental non-governmental organizations appealed to the leadership of the European Union to clearly link the post-war reconstruction plan of Ukraine “RebuildUkraine” with environmental reforms and harmonization of national legislation with the EU environmental acquis.
The priority of WG3 “Environment, climate change, energy security” of the Ukrainian national platform of the Civil Society Forum of the Eastern Partnership is the advocacy of “green” reconstruction of Ukraine, which involves the implementation of reforms in the field of environment and will contribute to the post-war reconstruction and European integration of Ukraine.
Ruslan Gavrylyuk, National Ecological Center of Ukraine, coordinator of WG3 UNP:
The consequences of a full-scale Russian war against Ukraine are already incredibly difficult for Ukraine. In addition to thousands of lost lives and millions of ruined lives, thousands of residential buildings and industrial facilities, industrial and infrastructure facilities were destroyed, direct damage was caused to our environment – forests, steppes, water bodies, etc. Ukraine is already preparing for post-war recovery, which should be based on the principles of environmental preservation and reproduction, climate neutrality, which are decisive in the current development of the EU’s Green Deal policy. This approach will contribute to the reconstruction of a successful, modern Ukraine, its entry into the EU as an equal partner, adhering to European values, capable of being a regional leader. A key role should be played by environmental reforms that should cover all sectors of the country’s economy with the aim of their green transformation. These issues are the focus of Working Group 3 “Environment, Climate Change and Energy Security” of the Ukrainian National Platform of the Civil Society Forum of the Eastern Partnership and will be the subject of the initiative.
As part of the initiative, an analytical document outlining the necessary environmental reforms will be prepared, which will become an important component of advocacy activities regarding the further integration of Ukraine into the EU and the acquisition of membership.
Ken Cedeno
Maxar Technologies
The initiative is implemented within the framework of the project “Support to the activities of the UNP EaP CSF in 2021-2023”, funded by the European Union, the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum and implemented by the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting.