In June 2022, League of Professional Women launched a six-months initiative “Analytics of Adult Learning in Ukraine in the Context of Apply for the EU Membership” within the project “Supporting the activities of the Ukrainian National Platform of the EaP CSF in 2021-2023” that is carried out by the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting with the financial support of the European Union.
Name of the initiative: Analytics of Adult Learning in Ukraine in the Context of Apply for the EU Membership
Organisation: League of Professional Women (WG4)
Duration of the project: 30.05.2022-30.11.2022
Aim of the initiative. Conduct an analytical study and present recommendations to be developed for Ukraine regarding the educational needs of adults in the context of the country’s acquisition of EU membership and national international obligations in the field of lifelong learning, taking into account current challenges in the field of security.
The results. The organization’s experts will conduct an analytical study and provide recommendations for Ukraine on the learning needs of adults in the context of apply for the EU membership, national and international commitments in the field of lifelong learning, taking into account current safety challenges.
Olena Lazorenko, League of Professional Women (WG4):
Learning and education for all (including adults) is among the top 10 targets of the Eastern Partnership for 2025, and is outlined in the Joint Staff Working Document: Recovery, Resilience and Reform: post-2020 Eastern Partnership priorities adopted in July 2021. It is also included as a part of the European Union–Ukraine Association Agreement. This topic is the subject of implementation, monitoring of Ukraine’s international obligations, such as those mentioned in the Sustainable Development Goal #4 “Quality Education”, which has been approved by the EU and Ukraine for 2015-2030.
The full-scale russia war against Ukraine has led to the destruction of educational infrastructure, evacuation and termination of educational and learning activities in some regions of Ukraine. Under these circumstances, access to education and learning is deteriorating; poverty and unemployment are rising sharply. At the same time, the availability of competencies to conduct activities that bring economic, social and other benefits will promote more flexible reorganization of socio-economic connections inside the country.
During the implementation of the initiative, we plan to conduct an analytical study on the learning needs of adults in Ukraine, based on a preliminary analysis of this problem[1]. We plan to present the results to Ukrainian and foreign civil society organizations, educational experts and other stakeholders, as well as to share the results and present it for the governmental agencies involved in implementing the roadmap for Ukraine’s EU membership.
The project “Supporting the activities of the Ukrainian National Platform of the EaP CSF in 2021-2023” that is carried out by the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting with the financial support of the European Union.