We present an updated analytical document “Environmental and Climate Sustainability of the Eastern Partnership – an assessment of the prospects for achievement in Ukraine, continued. Stage 2” prepared by experts of Working Group 3 of the Ukrainian National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum: Nataliya Andrusevych (RAC “Society and Environment”), Ruslan Havryliuk (National Ecological Center of Ukraine), Olena Kravchenko (International Charity organization “Ecology-Law-Human “), Tamara Malkova (International Charity organization Information center “Green Dossier”), as well as Anna Holubovska-Onisimova as part of the UNP initiative.
We continue to share the results of initiatives supported by the UNP in 2021 under the project “Support to the Ukrainian National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (UNP EaP CSF) in 2021-2023”, administered by the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting funded by the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum and the European Union.
Purpose of the initiative. Update of the analytical document “Environmental and Climate Sustainability of the Eastern Partnership – Assessing the Prospects for Achievement in Ukraine”, taking into account new strategic development documents (developed and / or adopted in 2021) and opportunities for green recovery after the lockdown caused by COVID-19, and presentation results in a popular format.

The draft of the new Eastern Partnership policy envisages closer integration of the countries of the region into the European Green Course and opens opportunities for green transformation, including for Ukraine. Environmental issues and climate change are becoming pervasive, becoming a guide for economic development planning. At the governmental level, Ukraine has reaffirmed its interest in joining Europe’s green transformation, but will current opportunities be used effectively or will Ukraine take the time to change? These issues are in the focus of public attention.
Based on the results of the initiative, the framework study on achieving the updated goal of the East for the updated goal of WG 3 was aligned with the events of 2021, a matrix was created to further assess Ukraine’s progress in achieving this goal (environmental and climate sustainability).

The initiative analyzed prospects and identified key indicators of Ukraine’s environmental and climate resilience in the context of achieving the goals of the new renewed Eastern Partnership policy, as well as identified the trajectory of Ukraine in achieving its goals in 2021.
The draft of the new Eastern Partnership policy was the subject of a study conducted by WG3 in the framework of the initiative “Environmental and Climate Sustainability of the Eastern Partnership – Assessing the Prospects for Achievement in Ukraine – 2”. As a result, an analytical document of the same name was updated, which reveals the environmental aspects of the new Eastern Partnership policy, the advantages and challenges facing our country to achieve one of its key goals – environmental and climate sustainability, compared to the European Green Course. The authors also identified indicators for tracking this goal and developed 3 scenarios for its achievement, which will allow for effective monitoring by civil society.
Information campaign
On December 16, 2021, a public discussion “Environmental and Climate Sustainability for Ukraine: Results of the 6th East Summit” was held, organized by Working Group 3 “Environment, Climate Change and Energy Security” of the UNP EaP CSF, held the day before. The event was held online (with a broadcast on the Facebook page of the National Ecological Center of Ukraine). In addition to a broad representation of the public sector and the expert community, representatives of the Ministry of Environment and the EU Delegation to Ukraine took part in the event at the invitation of WG3.

The authors present the study, its results and recommendations in the context of the newly adopted new policy of the Eastern Partnership. The discussion was attended by the Deputy Minister of Environment and Natural Resources for European Integration, a representative of the EU Delegation to Ukraine, numerous experts and representatives of civil society. The proposals of the research were accepted by the authorities, and further joint actions of the authorities and civil society were agreed upon.
Presenting the research, the authors noted that the demand to accelerate the pace of the green transition is becoming not just urgent, but decisive for the civilizational choice of Ukraine.
Advocacy campaign
As part of the preparation of the analytical document, scenarios for achieving Ukraine’s environmental and climate sustainability were prepared, as well as recommendations for the authorities on the development of environmental policy and good environmental governance were developed. Representatives of stakeholders are involved in the public discussion and acquainted with the recommendations.
The authorities are acquainted with the peculiarities of the goals of the new Eastern Partnership policy in terms of achieving environmental and climate sustainability, as well as with the recommendations of the UNP EaP CSF on the development of national policies for environmental and climate sustainability.
In addition, the authorities received an analytical document with a detailed analysis of the development of European environmental policy and an analysis of the challenges facing Ukraine in the environmental and climate spheres in light of the adoption of a new Eastern Partnership policy after 2020.
Representatives of civil society received positive signals from the Ministry of Environment regarding the further implementation of the ongoing European integration reforms and readiness to cooperate with the public.
DOWNLOAD Analytical document Environmental and Climate Sustainability of the Eastern Partnership – Assessment of Prospects in Ukraine “- 2: analytical document / Nataliya Andrusevych, Ruslan Havryliuk, Anna Holubovska-Onisimova, Olena Kravchenko, Nataliya Kuts, Tamara Malkova; Ukrainian National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum. – Kyiv, 2021. – 64 p.
Video recording of presentations of initiatives at the Annual Conference of the UNP EaP CSC, November 9-10, 2021
The initiative was implemented within the framework of the project “Support to the activities of the UNP EaP CSF in 2021-2023”, funded by the European Union, the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum and implemented by the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting