Military action on the territory of Ukraine has led to many social and humanitarian problems, as well as caused serious threats of man-made emergencies resulting from the actions of the occupiers.
The risks to the population associated with damage to facilities that pose an increased environmental risk are of particular concern at this time, because in the absence of control and opportunities to eliminate their negative consequences, the potential for negative impact is increasing.
Environment People Law (EPL)/Екологія – Право – Людина (ЕПЛ) experts collect and analyze information on the impact of war on the environment.
Lawyers carefully analyze 14 environmental conventions and look for mechanisms to protect the environment. Lawyers also analyze international criminal law and international humanitarian law through the prism of the environment.
Environmental scientists carefully collect the facts of environmental destruction, make their analysis, study methods of calculating the damage caused to the environment. The experts are collecting information in the table “Crimes of the Russian Federation against the nature of Ukraine.” It has the following sections: protected areas, industrial facilities, marine pollution, exposure to various types of bombs and missiles, mine pollution, fires, the state of zoos and animal shelters, animal deaths.
In March, the EPL resumed an online course on the environmental aspects of territorial community management, which had been interrupted by hostilities in Ukraine. Participants will have the opportunity to listen to 2 more modules on community conservation and land use, as well as community participation in forest management.
The National Ecological Center of Ukraine collects data on the effects of Russian military aggression against Ukraine on our environment. The data will be used to try the Russian regime, compensate for the consequences and collect funds to restore Ukraine’s environment.
Resource and Analysis Center “Society and Environment” 25.03.2022 took part in the discussion “Environmental disaster in Ukraine is Russia’s war crime” and told about the devastating impact of war on our environment and what exactly Ukraine will need to deal with it (video).
Information Center “Green Dossier” prepares a periodic information collection and constantly updates information on the following topics:
Solidarity with Ukraine
Work and shelter for Ukrainians
Funds for Ukrainians
The organizations call on the environmental community to speak out against the aggressor’s actions.
Foto : censor.net