Federation of Trade Unions of Small and Medium Enterprise of Ukraine, members of WG5 the UNP started implementation of the initiative “Government and Civil Society: Interaction in the Framework of Public and Social Dialogue” within the project “Supporting the activities of the Ukrainian National Platform of the EaP CSF in 2021-2023” that is carried out by the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting (IER) with the financial support of the European Union.
Name of the initiative: Government and Civil Society: Interaction in the Framework of Public and Social Dialogue.
Organisation: Government and Civil Society: Interaction in the Framework of Public and Social Dialogue (WG5)
Initiative is realised jointly with Regional Kharkiv Professional Association of Entrepreneurs
Duration of the project: 02.08.2021 – 30.11.2021
Aim of the initiative: show the distinctions in subjects, spheres, instruments and results of an interaction between authority and public within the framework of public and social dialogue and specifics of each implementation.
Vyacheslav Roi: Federation of Trade Unions of Small and Medium Enterprise of Ukraine:
Recently, the problem of civil society development and interaction between state and society is the subject of public attention, because its application is a powerful tool for stabilizing public relations in Ukraine. The presence of dialogue is an indicator of government democratization, because it is the only way to form a homogeneous civil culture and develop civil responsibility. At the same time, taking both: civil society environment and government institutions, there is no understanding of differences between public and social dialogue, in particular with regard to subjects, tools, ways of interaction and the consequences of exchange of concepts in process of producing decisions agreed.
There is a clear distinction between public and social dialogue in the EU and other countries of the world as the interaction between authorities and civil society. In Ukraine, we have attempts to identify these two types of interaction at the legislative level. As a result of criticism and remarks from both: Ukrainian civil society organizations (unions, employers’ organizations and public organizations) and the European community, they were not adopted. However, even today the misunderstanding of the differences between public and social dialogue, the substitution of concepts often lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of interaction.
Outcome of the project will be: producing analytical report “The Government and civil society: interaction within the framework of public and social dialogue”; informing civil society organizations and representatives from authorities about the differences in these two types of interaction, opportunities, advantages and shortcomings of each of them; discussing the policy paper at the meeting of the RG5 UNP; disseminating information about the results of the project among public and authorities.
Photo pixabay.com