NGO “Bureau of Social and Political Development”, member of WG1 UNP, started implementation of the initiative “ Raising Public Awareness on Combating Stereotypes and Gender Inequality, the Risks of Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence and International Standards in this Area within the project “Supporting the activities of the Ukrainian National Platform of the EaP CSF in 2021-2023” that is carried out by the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting (IER) with the financial support of the European Union.
Name of the initiative: Raising Public Awareness on Combating Stereotypes and Gender Inequality, the Risks of Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence and International Standards in this Area
Organisation: NGO “Bureau of Social and Political Development” (WG1)
Duration of the project: 16.07.2021-15.11.2021
Aim of the initiative: to ensure public participation in advocacy of the Council of Europe Istanbul Convention ratification on the prevention of violence against women and domestic violence; to develop proposals on ways to overcome violence against women and gender-based violence urgent measures, aimed at preventing and minimizing domestic violence; the irreversibility of punishment for violence and providing maximum support and assistance to victims, especially children, older people and persons with disabilities. Increase public awareness on the fight against stereotypes and gender inequalities, the risks of violence against women and domestic violence and international standards in this field.
Rostyslav Dzundza CEO of the NGO “Bureau of Social and Political Development”:
Participation in the lobbying process of the Istanbul Convention Ratification will contribute to a comprehensive approach on combating violence against women and domestic violence. It will also complement existing instruments substantially, propose new definitions of terms, strengthen protection against discrimination based on gender. It is related to Ukraine’s commitments in the field of human rights protection in the Council of Europe and meets the priorities of activities of the Eastern Partnership Program.
Within the framework of the initiative, work proceeds on raising awareness of society regarding the fight against stereotypes and gender inequality, risks of violence against women and domestic violence and international standards of combating it, as well as the development, discussion and adoption of the Positional Statement of civil society on support of the Bill on Amendments to the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offences and the Criminal Code of Ukraine on Combating Discrimination (No. 5488), including the provisions of the Istanbul Convention.
Photo Pixabay