The members of WG3 UNP EaP CSF and WG5 EU-Ukraine Civil Society Platform support the draft Second National Contribution of Ukraine to the Paris Agreement and appeal to the Government of Ukraine with recommendations to adopt a 65% nationally determined contribution to reduce greenhouse gas emissions compared to 1990 and support already initiated initiatives in cities.
In accordance with the approved National Economic Strategy for the period up to 2030, Ukraine has chosen the goal of achieving carbon neutrality no later than 2060. To achieve this goal, there must be a gradual reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in all sectors. In addition to reducing Ukraine’s influence on global climate change, this is a chance to develop a competitive country and improve the well-being of the population. Therefore, the draft Second National Defined Contribution of Ukraine to the Paris Agreement, which provides for the actual reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 65% of 1990 emissions by 2030, will meet the approved targets. As of 2019, emissions have been reduced by 63% from 1990 levels, so the 65% target is quite achievable for 2030. Such a commitment is the least possible and any further weakening of it will lead to misunderstanding on the part of climate leaders.
Ukraine needs to adopt a climate target that will require a reduction in emissions compared to the current level. Such a document will send a clear signal to all stakeholders and lay the foundation for the development of national climate policy with the participation of communities.
We therefore urge the Government to adopt a 65% nationally determined contribution to reduce greenhouse gas emissions compared to 1990, which will lead to emission reductions and support already initiated initiatives in cities. This will allow cities to more clearly shape local development policies, taking into account the response and adaptation to the effects of climate change, which in turn will lead to more sustainable urban development and improve the quality of life of their residents.
Звернення РГ3 УНП ФГС СхП та РГ5 УС ПГС щодо національних кліматичних цілей, 30 червня 2021